Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Seismic Rejoicing!

Dispense with the Suspense!!

Our Valentine, Early February: 6.5 Months

That trembling of the ground you felt yesterday was not an earth quake. It was me dancing for joy over the official notice we received that we are now in PGN. After 7 months of waiting, we’re finally there!

And, given the state of my fitness program lately, my jumping up and down was probably enough to trigger a 6.0 on the Richter Scale. (That’s a whole ‘nother blog as we say here in the north!)

So, here is the word we received yesterday:

“2-21/Case was presented to PGN on Feb 14. We don’t have any idea how long they will be in there.”

We were also cautioned that rumors of quick processing were unfounded. But I’m going to try to remain optimistic. After all the delays we’ve gone through since day one, I’m hoping it’s our turn for some things to go right!

These pictures of Danny are really appropriate since we were submitted on Valentine’s Day! It almost looks like Danny knew about our good news before we did!

I’m glad the Children’s Home included the blurry picture – even out of focus, it’s a perfect depiction of his joyful giggly self!

My week has gotten better and better. Today Gracie did two more nice things for a baby! At the gym she brought a ball back to a baby who cried when it rolled away. Then later, she placed a basketball on the stroller tray of a little baby. Perhaps a bit of an oversized gift, but a beautiful gesture from a girl with an oversized heart!

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers to this point. We need you with us as we move forward now with the PGN waiting game.


Jen said...

We are so excited to read that you are in PGN. We'll continue to pray!

Deidre said...

Yea!! Praying for a quick out!

Sara said...

hooray!! What great news...praying to be done with PGN quickly:)

David and Marianne said...

So good to hear to GREAT news! All the delays and setbacks really make the good parts SO praiseworthy!! Congrats! We will be praying!

Anonymous said...

Great news!! We are doing "sticky note" prayers on the fridge during Lent and we have a note for Danny on there. We pray daily that he can join his family here soon....
