Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lost in Translation...

That’s going to be our theme this week.

We learned that we’ve been kicked out of PGN for a translation error on our Power of Attorney. It sounds like it’s a simple matter to fix, and we were told we’d be re-submitted by this Friday.

That pesky Power of Attorney is our undoing again! First it was lost, and now it’s got a mistake! I’m glad that this is an easy fix, but at this stage of the game every lost week hurts.

It also makes me wonder how many other little small things they’re going to kick us out for before we’re finally out for good.

I have a splitting migraine and I think the stress of this news and lack of sleep that followed are big contributing factors.

Danny, 7 months

On a lighter note, there was another little something that needed a bit more careful translation. It’s painful to admit this, but for a brief time, I didn’t recognize Danny in a photograph.

One of our wonderful friends from this nation-wide family of bloggers snapped a picture of Danny while she was visiting the Children’s Home. Her son, Nathan, is one of Danny’s roomies. I’ve even noticed that they’ve shared outfits!

Anyway, I saw the picture and didn’t think it was my boy. Too much hair. But further inspection, a facial feature analysis by another friend and a second look from momma confirms that it is indeed our little Danny. This picture was taken just after a smile. Obviously, he’s regrouping for another one!

Here’s what Amy had to say about our little boy: He was sitting in the swing and was very alert and watching everything going on around him. Two of the caregivers were sorting an enormous pile of socks as he watched. When Amy said hello to him he gave her a big smile! He was very content.

This picture was of a much higher resolution than the photos we usually receive from the Children’s Home. I must confess I blew it up large on my computer and looked at every little hair on his head. I looked at his cute little nose, his big eyes; those cute ears super close up in perfect focus. It reminds me of the scrutiny I gave each of my two previous children the first time I held them. I can hardly wait to give him the once-over in person.


Sara said...

Sorry about the KO...hopefully quick fix and then done with! What an amazing picture of Danny. I love his fuzzy hair and big beautiful eyes.

Anonymous said...

I hate kick-outs. Praying the headache subsides and that they not only submit you back in very quickly but let you know it when they do so the worries are eased.

Jen said...

Praying for a speedy out forever of PGN! The picture of Danny is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful you have so many families who understand and who you can lean on at times like this. At least this error was a quick fix and meanwhile you have this handsome photo to reassure you as parents that your son is well and as happy as he can be until he can be in your happy home. Meanwhile, we continue to pray and hope to meet Danny someday soon! -- JustKrisAgain

Mamita J said...

So sorry about the KO. That is such a blow to the emotions. Take comfort in the fact that it's an easy fix...but still...every minute counts.

Danny is too adorable! Love the pictures of him hanging out to dry - especially the growly one. :-)

God bless,

Cathy said...

Hi-sorry I've been absent but I have been thinking about you...praying that Danny is in and out of PGN so very soon-I can only imagine how anxious you are!! Don't let those migraines get you down (HAHA), hopefully it will soon be all over and your son will be with you. God's blessings to all of you during this Holy Weeek. said...

been there done that with the picture non-recognition thing. they change so quickly. love your blog. yeah, ko's happen. its just part of the deal. (for me) i enjoy and the stress lessens. i accept and the peace comes. this part of the adoption process only lasts for a blink compared to the years ahead, so i don't want to miss out on the potential lessons and cool things god's showing me now...they are valuable too. at least god thinks so.

David and Marianne said...

Bad news about your case no matter how much you trust the Lord's timing always is a disappointment and heartache... I'm so sorry!

Praying you will hear good news soon and that God will be gracious with an abundance of peace and encouragement in the days ahead!