Monday, May 19, 2008

Finally, Some May Flowers...

After consuming mountains of chocolate and wearing a groove between the rest of the house and the office computer and tossing and turning with worry, there seems to be slightly more encouraging news coming from Guatemala this week.

There have been stories of Birth Mother’s being offered bribes to recant their adoption decision, there have been stories of 2 hour interrogations leaving Birth Mothers in tears and there has been no word of when PGN might start releasing cases again.

But this afternoon, posted a link to a new Central Authority website that offers assurances that there is every intention of honoring the law grandfathering in cases from last year. They state that all in process adoptions that have been handled in a legal fashion will continue expeditiously. I am hoping and praying that they honor their word. So far, the actions we’ve seen lately do not seem to support this.

Time will tell.

In the meantime, I have to leave it alone for a while – I’m wearing myself down to nothing with all this worry. So I’ll leave you with pictures of my flower children. I try to take a similar themed picture of Gracie to match Danny’s from the children’s home. So here they are, stopping to smell the dandelions and the daisies. I’ve added a bonus picture of Josh at about the same age as Danny is now, enjoying the fake outdoors at the photographer’s.
Thank you as always for your prayers and kind words.

Josh: 10 months

Danny: 9.5 Months

My sweet girl: 3 years old!


Stephanie said...

Praying the good news continues... i am ready to see the light at the end of this long tunnel for us all!
such cute pics of your precious children!
praying you find rest and comfort,

Mom&Dad to A & J said...

I've said it before, as someone who lived through one nasty process, I really believe Danny is coming home. I know that doesn't mean anything, make it easier, or move time any faster. But I have been where you are, and all of my heart screams "IT is Worth It".

You have three wonderful children, and they have one amazing mother.

Love to you,

Amy said...

Praying that things start moving soon so these children can come home.

Sara said...

Hoping that positive thoughts bring these babies home sooner. Love the pictures of the kids:)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Erin.....three wonderful kids and one amazing mom. I know it is hard to wait....hang in there! I read something yesterday about God's promise to Abraham. He promised him many heirs, but yet year after year Abraham and Sarah waited for their child. Sarah had to be an extremely patient woman! They had all but given up when Isaac arrived. I know God is listening and hearing our prayers to bring Danny and his friends home. Keep the faith and the faith will keep you!