Monday, January 19, 2009

A Good Day

Today was a good day. A holiday: Martin Luther King, Jr. day. To top it off, the sun was shining and temperatures were nearly 20 degrees. There were light snow flurries all day long with huge snowflakes drifting down. It was as if we were in a snow globe. As Gracie and I ventured out to run some errands we could actually feel the warmth of the sun on our skin.

As we headed to one of our destinations the “I Have a Dream” speech came on the radio. Even more then usual, it gave me chills. The promissory note is finally about to pay some dividends, a change is in the wind. I felt happy, happy, happy.

And judging from the smiles my little errand companion and I received it seemed as if the whole city was on the same wavelength. People were looking me directly in the eye and smiling at me. And they weren’t just generic smiles. Everyone who smiled at me gave me that smile that seems to indicate that we have a shared reason to be happy. They smiled at me like we were both in on a delightful secret.

How could it be, I wondered, that everyone was in the same happy place as me? What kind of delightful synchronicity was taking place?

Then I looked down and I remembered.

It was a warm day, and I wasn’t going to begin to venture a wardrobe confrontation. So this is who was at my side all day. And this was what gave us all something extra to smile about.

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